Introduction\Features of BizWizard Order Manager

A complete listing of features is beyond this section. Here we wish to highlight the key features that set BizWizard Order Manager™ apart from the rest. These features are designed to simplify and organize your business in ways it has never been organized before:


v  Point of Sale Order Entry
Use BizWizard Order Manager™ at your counter or sales desks and take orders in real time directly while your customer is with you. Then Print them a copy of their order to take with them. BizWizard Order Manager™ is a point of sale software solution designed to be used interactively with your customers.

v  Manage the Order Lifecycle of each order.
BizWizard Order Manager™ lets you track the order through your shop environment letting you know exactly which department is working on which order. Ever wanted to know if an order has been engraved? Or Assembled? Do you have the Proof Signoff's from your customer yet? Has the Graphics team produced proofs and sent them to the customers? Has it been shipped? When did it get shipped? When was the engraving completed and by whom? All of these questions and more are answered inside BizWizard Order Manager™.

v  Route Orders from Person to Person in your company
Ever had a situation whereby an order needs to be reviewed by a manager to set pricing? Or to have a manager call the customer to answer a question that the employee couldn't answer? BizWizard Order Manager™ provides unique ways to allow you to e-mail orders to various individuals at your company to complete tasks such as these through the internal e-mail system.

v  Automated Invoicing
So you have an order? Now it must go to accounting so they can key the order in and produce an invoice? This is a needless step when you have BizWizard Order Manager™. Accounting Personnel do not need to enter invoices. That's because BizWizard Order Manager™ automatically creates them for you. All the information is on the order. BizWizard Order Manager™ takes the order and uses its data to create an invoice. All you have to do is print and mail.

v  Built-In Security for Employees
Keeping your companies data private and secure is extremely important. Not only for confidentiality reasons within your organizations, but for compliance reasons such as PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliance. BizWizard Order Manager™ allows you to set security on a per User level, ensuring only employees that need to have access to various parts of BizWizard Order Manager™ have such access.


Lisa Higginbotham is the owner of Five Star Awards in Cary, North Carolina and has
donated countless hours to ARA as a volunteer on committees.  She operates a very
successful business and has a very keen focus on customer service.


v  Inventory tracking on a Product by Product Basis
BizWizard Order Manager™ allows you to track inventory on a product by product basis. This means you can track inventory for some items and for those items you do not wish to track inventory for, simply turn inventory tracking off.

v  Automated Ordering for Inventory Tracked Items
When items are needed to fulfill orders and those items have inventory tracking turned on, BizWizard Order Manager™ will automatically place those items on pending purchase orders. Even specify how many items of a particular product to keep on hand, what quantities you wish to have auto ordering order in increments of and let BizWizard Order Manager™ Manage your business needs automatically

v  Send Orders, Invoices, Statements, Purchase Orders via E-Mail
Not only can you print various items, but you can e-mail them, and even attached files to those e-mails. Send a purchase order along with necessary artwork files to your suppliers via e-mail. Send a copy of last year’s orders to your customers for re-order and even attach last year’s layouts for your customers to review. Click a button and off the e-mail goes. Simple and organized.

v  Credit Limits and Payment Terms
BizWizard Order Manager™ automatically tracks customers outstanding balance, open orders and compares them against the customer’s credit limits and prevents invoicing new orders that may exceed the customer’s credit limit.

v  Built-In United States, Canadian and Australian Postal Codes
BizWizard Order Manager™ Maintains and Intricate database of postal codes for various countries including time zone information, latitude and longitude information for each postal code. This provides you with the ability to do marketing to various regions geographically via postal mailings and e-mail. Assume you wish to send a promotion to all customers within 25 miles of a particular Postal Code, possibly the postal code to your store. It’s a Breeze with BizWizard Order Manager™.

v  Customer Contact Management and Daily Calendars
Follow up with Customers, set meetings, and reminders for yourself or any employee in your company with the Built-in Calendar Management system. Initialize Calendar Events from an Order, Customer, Purchase Order, Supplier or Associate, and those data records will automatically be attached to the calendar event. Want to proactively contact a customer next year about re-ordering? Simply schedule it on your calendar



Donna Gray and her Husband David Gray own and manage AwardsMall/Total Awards
and Promotions.  Donna is a featured columnist with ARA Recognition Review and also
an education speaker at ARA Events.  She is a very sharp businesswoman and keeps up
to date with all the trends in technology.


v  View Orders in a Snapshot of orders due on particular days
Knowing the state of your business is simple. Know exactly how many orders are due on any day, which orders are past due for completion, which orders are coming up to be completed. How many and which orders need to be shipped out today in order to meet customers delivery deadlines. Which orders have not been picked up by customers in the time-frame they indicated they needed the order. All this information and more is available and at your fingertips

v  Never Lose Engraving, Artwork, Logos again
With BizWizard Order Manager™ ability to search an order, customer, purchase order by any piece of information, including engraving Personalization text, credit card numbers, check numbers phone number, addresses, contact names, company names ad more, it’s easy to find an order. Once you have the order pulled up, simply go to External Files and there are all the customers’ logos, artwork files, engraving files, CorelDraw files and more. You can duplicate a complete order within 10 seconds vs. spending 30 minutes searching filing cabinets.

v  Support for multiple contacts for a single company
Need to track multiple contacts at a company? No Problem. It’s easy to know who the accounts payable person is, their direct line phone number, direct e-mail and even direct fax. Also identify who is an authorized buyer at the company, and BizWizard Order Manager™ only allows authorized buyers to invoice orders to that company. Just another added security feature to prevent mistakes



Steve Rapchick, owner of All American Awards, Inc. in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina is also
a member of the Award Associates group.  He has served on the board of Directors of ARA.
In my years of knowing Steve I have had pleasure of learning from him as much as he learns
from us as he provides us invaluable feedback and is always creative with new Ideas
to improve BizWizard Order Manager™ Software.


v  Set Business Rules to Prevent Order Taker Errors
Set rules to require deposits on orders, default order product lead days, initialize product statuses and person hour workloads for each day in your business. Customize order report titles, order messages and more. Highly customizable options put the way you do business at your fingertips.

v  Validations to Cut Down Operator Error
BizWizard Order Manager™ has an extremely extensive Validation system built-in. Required fields are required. No more operator errors of forgetting to ask a customer for their phone number, or fax number, or address. If you forget to do something, BizWizard Order Manager™ reminds you of what you forgot.

v  Prevent Employee Theft
BizWizard Order Manager™ has many features to monitor and track what employees are doing with orders and invoice. Included in these features are logging of actions employees perform on orders such as deleting payments, or even canceling an order. Whereas the logging won't prevent employee theft, it definitely will log their actions so if they do decide to steal from your company, you have the ability to see what exactly they did, and when they did it.



Joe Pisani, Owners of B Hive Awards in Clearwater, Florida.  He's Italian and every bit
expressive with his ideas as an Italian.  A very valuable ally of NetSoft Studio as his
contributions to the enhancements in BizWizard Order Manager™ has been invaluable.
If you ever see him at a tradeshow, be sure to thank him for his efforts in making
BizWizard Order Manager™ what it is today.


v  Send Marketing Materials via Postal Mail or E-Mail
BizWizard Order Manager™ wants to ensure you are successful with your business by giving you the tools needed to send out mailings easily and quickly to your customers. Print directly to envelopes, even greeting card envelopes for those Christmas Cards, as well as print to Avery labels. In addition, send out monthly newsletters and promotions and special sales to your customers via e-mail. All at the click of a button. You can even target your audience by how much they spent, by sales representative, by distance from your store, within a state or geographic region and more. Keeping your name in front of your customers, reminds them of where to go next time they need to purchase products.

v  Print Pricing Labels
BizWizard Order Manager™ allows you to print price labels for your products to place on the samples in your show room. Labels can be printed to various Avery label formats and include product numbers, descriptions and pricing information. If you make a pricing modification, BizWizard Order Manager™ will even automatically queue up a new label to be printed so you don't forget which labels need to be printed.

v  Process Mass Price Increases in 60 seconds
Ever needed to raise your prices due to supplier’s price increases, or simply for economy increases? Assume you want a 5% across the board price increase. You can do it for your entire product catalog in a matter of 60 seconds. Have BizWizard Order Manager™ round the price increase to the nearest dollar, half dollar, quarter, dime or nickel. Then print new price labels. All within 60 seconds

v  Volume Pricing Discount Schedules
Create a discount schedule, use it on as many products as you like. When that product is sold, BizWizard Order Manager™ will automatically set the pricing based upon the quantity ordered. Have multiple schedules which allow you to offer different price breaks for different types of products. For instance, you may give a price break for acrylic awards at 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 pieces, yet medallions, you may give a price break at 25, 100, 500, and 1000. There is no limit as to how many volume pricing discounts schedules you can create. Even more, if you ever decide to change the discount schedules, simply change it once and it updates on all products using that discount schedule.

v  Product Pricing Matrix Support
Create Product pricing matrix to price products based upon X,Y information. Or simply use Base unit Pricing. With the flexibility to create different pricing methods, the control is in your hands and provides an easy means for your employees to add orders without worrying about whether they are charging the correct price.

v  Product Image Support
Upload product images for each product. This is completely optional. If you have them uploaded, BizWizard Order Manager™ will make use of those product images in various order screens. This helps cut down on operator error as the order taker can visually see the product to ensure they have entered the correct part number.

v  Product Kits
The Industry sells many products that are based upon multiple components. This is where Product Kits come into play. Create a product that has multiple components. Interchange those components at order entry time. BizWizard Order Manager™ will even do price adjustments if more expensive components are selected. Even keep track of inventory on those components or if you prefer not to track inventory, no problem, BizWizard Order Manager™ will support non-inventory kit components

v  Product Attributes
Product Attributes remind order takers of questions they must ask the customer such as plate color, preferred engraving font, column color, shirt size, embroidery stitch counts, etc. The options are endless. Even create pull-down lists or open free form text fields for attributes.

v  Associate Time-Clock
Have your employee’s clock-in and clock-out. Worried about them cheating time by changing the computers clock? Don't worry anymore. BizWizard Order Manager™ supports Internet Time-Clock connectivity on Windows XP. So if an employee changes the computers time-clock to try to cheat on when they clocked-in, BizWizard Order Manager™ will use Internet Time-clocks to reset the clock back prior to time-stamping their clock-in or clock-out time. For Windows Vista, Simply set security and prevent your Users from making changes to the computers time-clock with the administrators User id and Password. Time sheets for payroll are automatically created when employees clock-in and clock-out.



Niels Norby is the owner of San Dieguito Trophy in San Diego, California.  Niels
has been using BizWizard Order Manager™ for over 8 years and is our Primary Beta
Tester on all New Releases.  He is also a big advocate and fan of assisting
other Award Stores and Suppliers to improve their operations.  Niels’ Integrity
and commitment to those that are technically his competitors is unsurpassed. 
Niels is also Co-Author of this User’s Manual and we are grateful for his
many hours of contributions.


v  In-Store credits
Also supported are in-store credits. BizWizard Order Manager™ will take overpayments received and create an in-store credit and even automatically apply those in-store credits to future invoices prior to invoicing those future orders.


Again, we could go on and on with the features of BizWizard Order Manager™, especially on topics that will be discussed further in this Users guide. But this hopefully gives you an overview of the many intricacies of how BizWizard Order Manager™ supports your awards store environment by automating and simplifying your business.